23 Years of Experience at ARCELIK GLOBAL
Founder of TU-WIS Consulting
R&D Consultant
Reliability Champion
6 Sigma Black Belt
TRIZ Specialist
BSc at Osmangazi University Electrical-Electronics Engineering. (1994–1998)
R&D Technical Leader at ARCELIK A.S. (1999-2021)
Multidisciplinary / Multinational Project Management
AGILE Scrum Master
Patent Owner
International 6 Sigma Black Belt Certificate Holder
Product Safety Responsible
Reliability Champion
Author of 5 Papers Published at International Engineering Conferences
Session Moderator and Guest Speaker
Local and International Business Development Skills
International TRIZ Specialist Certificate Holder
Involved in and coordinated all product life cycle steps: creating the idea of the product conceptual design, detailed analysis, testing and verification, pilot and field productions, investment, product part/component approvals, preparing quality plans, mass production.
Delivered Coaching and Mentorship to R&D, Production, and Quality Engineers of all Arcelik Plants, on design, prototyping, testing, invention, production, and correct decision making on their way to reach company goals.
Specialized in the design of AC Induction and Permanent Magnet AC Motors; System Integration of Electronic Drive, Motor, Compressor Mechanical Parts, and Refrigerator.
Decision maker for instant product and process problems, crisis management.
Certified as Inner Trainer of Arcelik Global by delivering training to all Arcelik Plants.
Featured in Ideathons and Hackathons as an Organizer and Menthor regarding R&D and Startup Projects.
Managed “Aluminium Wire Transition at Refrigerator Compressor Motors” Project which concluded by 5 Million € /year Cost Saving. Leaded 10 white-collar people from Quality, Purchasing, Product Planning and Production Departments in all phases of the Project. Provided business development by coaching Chinese Aluminium Wire Suppliers in order to improve their process and quality.
Managed “PMAC Motor Design and Commissioning for Inverter Compressors” Project. The output products of this project have been produced more than 2.000.000 pcs since 2017 and sent to Turkey, Europe, Pakistan and Thailand market.
Managed “Mini Inverter Control Board Transition” Project by leading to stakeholders broad in scope from different departments, plants and suppliers of Arcelik.
Managed the “Induction Motor Outsourcing” Project which brought in a totally of 1,5 million € to the company in 5 years.
Managed the “PMAC Motor Outsourcing” Project which brought in a totally of 130.000 USD profit. Totally 580.000 pcs of outsourcing motors used in 2021.
Managed Cost Reducing Projects which brought in a totally of 150.000 € to the company in 5 years by engaging alternative suppliers and business development.
Created technical framework and took a major responsibility on acceptance and commissioning of Production Lines, Moulds and Test Equipments from Japan, China and Italy which have totally more than 5,0 million $ cost.
Conducted two platform projects with a Scrum Master Role. The squad teams scored my performance as Extraordinary Success.
Took 200 Hours TRIZ SPECIALIST Course from Technical Innovation Center, Inc. (2009)
Delivered TRIZ training to R&D, Production Engineering, and Quality Engineers at ARCELIK.
Provided TRIZ Workshops and came up with several inventive solutions to daily design, quality, and process problems by using TRIZ problem-solving methods.
Carried out several R&D projects by using TRIZ tools and systematic.
The 10 patents that I invented as an output of these projects and that are registered at the European Patent Office are listed below:
Hermetic Terminal Socket and Terminal Plug For Use In a Hermetic Compressor Publication Info: PL3430262 (T3) 2020-04-30
An Electronic Card Housing Mounted To a Compressor
Publication Info: EP3803120 (A2) 2021-04-14
Retainer Assembly For Use In The Electric Motor Of a Hermetic Compressor
Publication Info: TR201605792 (A2) 2016-11-21
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Electric Motor For Hermetic Compressors
Publication Info: TR201719103 (A2) 2019-06-21
Arrangement For Reducing Back Electromotive Force Harmonics In Arc-Shaped Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Publication Info: TR201801430 (A2) 2018-09-11
Hermetic Compressor With An Insulating Jacket
Publication Info: BR112012015603 (A2) 2016-03-15
A Hermetic Compressor Comprising A Connector
Publication Info: SI2517336 (T1) 2015-07-31
Terminal Assembly For Use In a Hermetic Compressor
Publication Info: WO2016155781 (A1) 2016-10-06
A Hermetic Compressor Comprising An Insulating Element
Publication Info: CN102725942 (A) 2012-10-10, CN102725942 (B) 2016-01-13
Compressor Motor Control Circuit Publication Info: WO2010057863 (A2)
2010-05-27, WO2010057863 (A3) 2010-07-15
Completed several designs (DFSS), production process, quality improvement, and cost-reducing projects by leading Six Sigma Green and Yellow Belt teams via using Six Sigma tools.
Delivered Product Safety Training to more than 100 people at Arcelik.
Gave design and production approvals of standing product improvements and new platform products regarding Product Safety.
Designed and put into use 11 different Reliability, Safety, and Forced Failure Tests for Functional and Safety-Critical Components of Household Refrigerators. One of my Safety tests is awarded by Arcelik Global as “Reliability Projects of the Year 2021” and taken by all Arcelik Plants around the world in order to be defined to their Quality Control Process.
Performed Reliability Analysis by using “Reliasoft Alta / Weibull” Software.
Delivered Reliability Coaching to R&D and Quality Engineers.
ICCR 2019 /9th International Conference on Compressor and Refrigeration, Xi’an University, China, 10-12 July 2019.
Titles of the Papers:
“Study on Single Speed Compressor Motor Design Parameters for Improving Manufacturability”
“Test Method For Determining Insulation Life of Compressor Motor Cables”
11th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, City University, London, UK, 9-11 September 2019
Title of the Paper:
“Improving startup performance of single-speed compressors by stator winding design“
** This paper was published in “Materials Science and Engineering 604 (2019) 012019” Journal; and as a chapter in the book “Advanced Aspects of Engineering Research Vol. 11” published in London.
25th International Compressors Engineering Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 24-28 May 2021.
Titles of the Papers:
“Restart Test Design For Inverter Compressors”
“Forced Failure Dielectric Test Design For Stators Of Inverter Compressors”
Chaired a session at the 9th International Conference on Compressor and Refrigeration in Xi’an, 11 July 2019.
Online attended to “International Conference and Exhibition on Materials and Engineering” as a “Speaker” and “Session Moderator”, 8 June 2021.
Carried out cooperation between Arcelik Global and several companies from Europe, Russia, and Japan in order to develop and realize new products, materials, technologies, and test systems.
Found new native and foreign suppliers, develop their production and quality systems, and engaged them to Arcelik Supply Chain System by a win-win approach.
Traveled to China 9 times in 2009 – 2019 and started the business by visiting several leading producers of household appliances and their suppliers.
Took the major responsibility on acceptance and commissioning of Production Lines, Moulds and Test Systems from Japan, China, USA, and Italy which have totally more than 5,0 million $ cost.
Native Ventilator Design and Production at COVID 19 Pandemic
Mentorship to Start-Up Projects
I took the highest responsibility on the design and production of Proportional Valve, which works like the heart of Ventilators and which couldn’t be supplied from abroad at the beginning of the Covid 19 Pandemic. This was the biggest and most valuable mission that I have taken in my whole professional life since I had a great part in saving people’s lives. The results that I achieved on this project were also rewarded by the CEO of KOC HOLDING.
Took charge as a “Startup Mentor” at “Hack The Normal” Online Hackathon of ARCELIK Global, which had 53 teams and 111 partners. The aim of the hackathon was to invite creative minds to develop new products, services, and business models in the areas of Health, Social and Sustainable Living at the new normal lifestyle. (15-17 May 2020)
Took Charge as a Mentor at “NASA Space Apps Challenge” Online Hackhaton on Design, Technology, Inventive Problem Solving, and Business Development. (1-3 October 2021)
Took Charge as a Mentor at the “Engineer Girls of Türkiye” Project of LIMAK Group. (2018 - 2019)
Business Management of “Duo Blanc & Noir”
29 January 2021
November 2019
September 2019
August 2019
June 2019
May 2019
October 2019
September 2018
November 2017
May 2017
March 2017
February 2017
June 2016
January 2009
May 2008
January 2007
October 2006
June 2004
June 2004
March 2002
September 2000
Internal Trainer Program, by Synergy Training and Consultancy.
Secrets of Success at Professional Life, by Dale Cargenie.
Agile Project Management and Scrum, by GMCC Institute.
Reliability Champions, by ARÇELİK
Intelligent Reliability Testing, by ARÇELİK
TechPro – Intellectual Property Training, by ARÇELİK
Finance for Non-finance Professionals, by Cenk İnceoğlu
Reliability Weibull and Life Data Analysis, by ARÇELİK
Holistic Leadership, by Evrim CABBAROĞLU
Innovation and Technology Management, by Bora ÖZKENT
Cost Analysis, by Figen ALABAY
Design For Supply Chain, by Prof Dr. Metin TÜRKAY
Next Generation Manufacturing Technology, by Prof. Dr. İsmail LAZOĞLU
Technology Trends and Digital Marketing, by Mustafa İÇİL
Management of R&D and Government, Industry-University Relations by Prof. Dr. İrşadi AKSUN
Material and Process Flow, by Prof. Dr. Metin TÜRKAY
Data Based Decision Making, by Doç Dr. Yalçın AKÇAY
User Experience (UX), by Doç Dr. Kerem Rızvanoğlu
Design Thinking, by Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Özcan
Customer Experience, by Bora Özkent
Negotiation and Persuation Skills, by Serdar YURDAKUL
TRIZ SPECIALIST Course, by Technical Innovation Center, Inc.
Advanced Project Management, by FABE Proje Yönetimi Eğitim Danışmanlık
Six Sigma Black Belt Training, by ARÇELİK
Creativeness and Innovativeness, by ABC Consultancy
Time Management, by FED Training
Project Management, by ARÇELİK
“Properties and Applications of Magnetic Materials” Conference at Illinois Institute of Technology- Chicago/USA
Six Sigma Green Belt, by ARÇELİK
29 January 2021
November 2019
September 2019
August 2019
June 2019
May 2019
October 2019
September 2018
November 2017
May 2017
March 2017
February 2017
June 2016
January 2009
May 2008
January 2007
October 2006
June 2004
June 2004
March 2002
September 2000
“Innovation Management” Consultancy to head managers of “TEKNOROT OTOMOTIV Ürünleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.” (August 2018)
“TRIZ and SIX SIGMA Applications” seminar on 25 April 2019 and webinar on 20 May 2021 to ESKISEHIR Technical University Engineering Faculty Students.
Annual “Train the Trainer” technical training to Arcelik/Beko Technical Services from Europe, Asia, and the USA in 2018 - 2020.
TRIZ / Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving training and workshop for solving Plastic Burr Problems of Separators used at Machining Production Lines in February 2020 (4 days)
TRIZ /Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving training to Engineers and Technicians from all Arcelik Plants.
August 2021 ( 2 days )
September 2021 (2 days)
November 2021 (2 days)
December 2021 (2 days)
January 2022 (4 days)
“Reliability Project of the Year 2021” Award.
2019 Success Growth Award for “ Safe Drive-Smart Cooling for Inverter Compressor Global Markets” project.
2019 Success Growth Award for “KIK Fighter” project. The sale numbers of inverter compressors increased by 140.000 pcs in 3 months by taking the market share of competitors after accomplishment of this project.
2017 Success Growth Award at “Shining Stars of Arcelik” Category.
2016 Midi L Compressor Project Award at “Creative Innovators of Arcelik” Category.
2013 Occasional Award at “Shining Stars of Arcelik” Category.
2012 ‘Runners To The Peak’ Award.
2010 Superior Success and Special Charging Award.
Innovation Awards for getting patents in the name of ARÇELİK in years 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
2007 Creative and Innovative Stars Award.
2007 Design of the Year Award.
2006 Project of the Year Award.
2004 Superior Success and Special Charging Award.