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     Tu-Wis Consulting  offers innovative solutions for;

  • Generating, developing and commissioning ideas for new products or services,

  • Performance, quality, cost improvement in existing products and services,

  • Increasing productivity,


     Tu-Wis Consulting; 

  • Enhances the knowledge and experience level of your team by mentoring and training.

  • Ensures that the necessary systematics are put into use, in order to provide your sustainable development.

  • Both fishes and teaches how to fish...

Tu-Wis Consultancy Model

Step 1     Understanding  the problem and the needs
Step 2     Determining the tools and methods to be used in the solution process 
Step 3     Identifying the training needs of the team
Step 4     Implementations and actions 
Step 5     Evaluation of the alternative solutions, feasibility study
Step 6     Presenting the final solution to the management
Step 7     Carrying out the agreed solution

Tu-wis Consulting;
guides your team  with knowledge and experience,
designs your success and puts it into action,
solves your problems with the most effective engineering methods...

Detailed Headlines

1. R&D / Innovation


1.1. R&D Project Execution Systematics

      Classical Project Management
      Agile Project Management


1.2. R&D and Innovation Practices
       Brain Storming
       SWOT Analysis
       TRIZ  / Theory of Inventive Problem Solving 
       Design Thinking 
       6 Sigma ( DOE/Design of Experiment, DFSS / Design For Six Sigma )
       FMEA ( Failure Mode and Effective Analysis )
       Publishing Papers in International Platforms
       Patenting and Intellectual Property Rights 

1.3. Innovative Idea Generation, and Problem Solving Workshops 
       Organizing Ideathon and Hackathons 
       In the workshops held, coaching to solve problems and develop new ideas by using 
R&D           methods.

1.4. Innovation Process and Culture Within The Institution
       Keeping the creative and innovative aspects of the employees alive,  
       Overcoming business blindness and psychological inertia,
       Adopting a culture of innovation and dissemination from management to blue-collar                   employees.


2. Product Life Cycle


2.1. Concept and Detailed Design
       Steps to be followed in new product design or existing product design change.


2.2. Design Verification and Control

         Prototyping and testing.

        FMEA Meetings and actions

2.3. Commissioning Process of a New Part / Material / Supplier
       The approval process of new or revised parts and suppliers, by composing technical                     drawings and instructions.         


2.4. Planning and Carrying Out Trial Productions 
       Carrying out the pilot and high-volume trial productions before mass production. 


2.5. Mass Production Preparations
       Directing, following and commissioning the investments of production lines, molds,                   workbenches and test systems for the mass production of new or improved designs.                   Preparation of Technical Specifications. Editing Contract Content.  
       Quality Plans and Approvals, Purchasing Process


2.6. Production Processes
       Improvement of process parameters
       Increasing production efficiency
       Improvement of process-related quality problems
       Design Improvements to ensure manufacturability

3. Reliability Process


    General Reliability Systematics
    Reliability / Durability / Safety Test Designs and Putting Into Use
    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 
         Design FMEA
         Process FMEA
    Product Safety Systematics from Design to Production 


4. Domestic and International Business and Cooperation Development


     Steps to be followed in Cooperations
    OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing), ODM (Original Design Manufacturing), JDM (Joint             Design Manufacturing)  Way of Working
     Supplier Commissioning and Development
     Different approaches to different cultures (Far East, Europe, USA)


5. Crisis Management


    Customer Problems
    Problems that stop the mass production 
    Producing quick solutions to problems that may arise during the commissioning of a new                  product.


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